Šta su rekli o Scholesu...
Luis Figo: On the pitch you can't catch him. Off the pitch he disappears.
(Na terenu on je neuhvatljiv. Van njega on nestane.)
Xabi Alonso: To me Paul is a role model. He is the best midfielder I've seen in the last 15 or 20 years.
(On je za mene uzor. On je najbolji veznjak kog sav video prethodnih 15 ili 20 godina.)
Ronaldinho: I want to pass like him. Who taught him how to do that?
(Želim da dodajem poput njega. Kako je to naućio?)
Ryan Giggs: I have played with some great players during my time at United but I would have to put Paul Scholes down as the best.
(Igrao sam sa mnogo dobrih igraća dok sam igrao za United, ali bih njega izdvojio kao najboljeg.)
Lionel Messi: At La Masia his name was mentioned a lot.
(U La Masiji njegovo ima znaci mnogo.)
Pele: If he was playing with me, I would score so many more.
(Ako bi igra sa mnom, uradio bih mnogo više.)
Maradonna: His technique is unique.
(Njegova tehnika je jedinstvena.)
David Beckham: Even playing at Real Madrid, the players always say to me 'what's he like'?
(I dok sam igrao u Real Madridu ljudi su me pitali: "Šta je on uopšte?")
Thierry Henry : I can't understand why Scholes has never won the player of the year award. He should have won it long ago.
(Ne mogu da razumem zašto on nije nikada dobio nagradu za najboljeg igrača godine? On je trebao jos davno da je osvoji.)
Zinedine Zidane : My toughest opponent? Scholes of Manchester. He is the complete midfielder.
(Moj najveci protivnik? scholes u Manchesteru. On je kompletan igrac.)
Henderson: Sad to hear of Paul Scholes retirement! One of the best midfielders to grace the Premiership! Idolised him for years! Legend.
(Zao mi je sto cujem da se povlaci. On je bio jedan od najboljih igraca Premier Lige. Voleo sam ga. Legenda.)
Gudjohnsen: Scholes is one of the most complete footballers i've ever seen. His one-touch play is phenomenal.
(On jedan od najkompletnijih igraca koje sam ikada video. on igra jednim dodirom, igra fenomenalno.)
Darren Fletcher: We won't ever see another one like Paul Scholes.
(Nikada necemo videti nekog kao Scholesa.)
Guardiola: He is the best midfielder of his generation. I would have loved to have played alongside him.
(Najbolji vezni igrac svoje generacije. Voleo bi da igram sa njim.)
Rio Ferdinand: Paul Scholes, aka Sat Nav, went from a scoring midfielder to a dictator of the game, Genius.
(Pol Scholes, kao Sat Nav, otisao je od veznaka koji postize golove do doktatora, Genije.)
Crerand: What a player Paul is. Everything about him is just perfect.
(Kakav igrac je Scholes. sve je kod njega savrseno.)
Dimitar Berbatov: Nobody else in the world can play the way Scholes does.
(Niko na svetu ne moze igrati kao on.)
Xavi: He can play the final pass, he can score, he is strong, he never gets knocked off the ball and he doesn't give possession away.
(On moze dati zavrsni pas, on moze postici gol,on je jak, on nikada ne dobija odbijenu loptu i ne gubi posed lopte.)
Sir Bobby Charlton : Paul Scholes is my favourite player. He epitomises the spirit of United and everything that is good about football.
(Scholes mi je omiljeni igrac. On uliva duh Unitedu i ono sve sto je fudbalu neophodno.)
Roy Keane : An amazingly gifted player who remained an unaffected human being. (Neverovatno darovit igrac koji je ostao nepromenjen kao ljudsko bice.)
Gary Neville : I wouldn't swap Scholes for anybody. He is quite simply the most complete footballer I have ever played with. He is the best.
(Nikada ne bih zamemio Scholesa. On je jednostavno najkompletniji igrac kojeg sam video. On je najbolji.)
Kevin Keegan : What United have got that Chelsea haven't is Paul Scholes. I think he is different to anything else in English football.
(Ono sto je United dobio, a sto Chelsea nije je Paul Scholes. Mislim da je on drugaciji od svih u engleskom fudbalu.)
Luis Figo: On the pitch you can't catch him. Off the pitch he disappears.
(Na terenu on je neuhvatljiv. Van njega on nestane.)
Xabi Alonso: To me Paul is a role model. He is the best midfielder I've seen in the last 15 or 20 years.
(On je za mene uzor. On je najbolji veznjak kog sav video prethodnih 15 ili 20 godina.)
Ronaldinho: I want to pass like him. Who taught him how to do that?
(Želim da dodajem poput njega. Kako je to naućio?)
Ryan Giggs: I have played with some great players during my time at United but I would have to put Paul Scholes down as the best.
(Igrao sam sa mnogo dobrih igraća dok sam igrao za United, ali bih njega izdvojio kao najboljeg.)
Lionel Messi: At La Masia his name was mentioned a lot.
(U La Masiji njegovo ima znaci mnogo.)
Pele: If he was playing with me, I would score so many more.
(Ako bi igra sa mnom, uradio bih mnogo više.)
Maradonna: His technique is unique.
(Njegova tehnika je jedinstvena.)
David Beckham: Even playing at Real Madrid, the players always say to me 'what's he like'?
(I dok sam igrao u Real Madridu ljudi su me pitali: "Šta je on uopšte?")
Thierry Henry : I can't understand why Scholes has never won the player of the year award. He should have won it long ago.
(Ne mogu da razumem zašto on nije nikada dobio nagradu za najboljeg igrača godine? On je trebao jos davno da je osvoji.)
Zinedine Zidane : My toughest opponent? Scholes of Manchester. He is the complete midfielder.
(Moj najveci protivnik? scholes u Manchesteru. On je kompletan igrac.)
Henderson: Sad to hear of Paul Scholes retirement! One of the best midfielders to grace the Premiership! Idolised him for years! Legend.
(Zao mi je sto cujem da se povlaci. On je bio jedan od najboljih igraca Premier Lige. Voleo sam ga. Legenda.)
Gudjohnsen: Scholes is one of the most complete footballers i've ever seen. His one-touch play is phenomenal.
(On jedan od najkompletnijih igraca koje sam ikada video. on igra jednim dodirom, igra fenomenalno.)
Darren Fletcher: We won't ever see another one like Paul Scholes.
(Nikada necemo videti nekog kao Scholesa.)
Guardiola: He is the best midfielder of his generation. I would have loved to have played alongside him.
(Najbolji vezni igrac svoje generacije. Voleo bi da igram sa njim.)
Rio Ferdinand: Paul Scholes, aka Sat Nav, went from a scoring midfielder to a dictator of the game, Genius.
(Pol Scholes, kao Sat Nav, otisao je od veznaka koji postize golove do doktatora, Genije.)
Crerand: What a player Paul is. Everything about him is just perfect.
(Kakav igrac je Scholes. sve je kod njega savrseno.)
Dimitar Berbatov: Nobody else in the world can play the way Scholes does.
(Niko na svetu ne moze igrati kao on.)
Xavi: He can play the final pass, he can score, he is strong, he never gets knocked off the ball and he doesn't give possession away.
(On moze dati zavrsni pas, on moze postici gol,on je jak, on nikada ne dobija odbijenu loptu i ne gubi posed lopte.)
Sir Bobby Charlton : Paul Scholes is my favourite player. He epitomises the spirit of United and everything that is good about football.
(Scholes mi je omiljeni igrac. On uliva duh Unitedu i ono sve sto je fudbalu neophodno.)
Roy Keane : An amazingly gifted player who remained an unaffected human being. (Neverovatno darovit igrac koji je ostao nepromenjen kao ljudsko bice.)
Gary Neville : I wouldn't swap Scholes for anybody. He is quite simply the most complete footballer I have ever played with. He is the best.
(Nikada ne bih zamemio Scholesa. On je jednostavno najkompletniji igrac kojeg sam video. On je najbolji.)
Kevin Keegan : What United have got that Chelsea haven't is Paul Scholes. I think he is different to anything else in English football.
(Ono sto je United dobio, a sto Chelsea nije je Paul Scholes. Mislim da je on drugaciji od svih u engleskom fudbalu.)
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